Eurovision 2024 pe Twitter

În primul rând, refuz să numesc această rețea de socializare așa cum vrea Elon Musk. Pentru mine, a fost, este și va fi Twitter.

În al doilea rând, ca niciodată, mi-a fost greu să mai găsesc poante acolo, pentru că atmosfera a fost foarte tensionată, aspect pe care o să-l detaliez în articolul meu cu impresii.

Până atunci, iată câteva remarci haioase adunate de mine în noaptea Eurovisionului din 2024.

Dacă vi se pare că sunt mai agresive ca de obicei, nu vă înșelați.

Eurovision. Yes, it’s trash. Yes, I’ll watch it.

People need to leave politics out of Eurovision when it’s always just been about baddies.

Me: „I don’t care about Eurovision”. Also me: „Well, I do have a second screen… would be shame to see it go to waste”.

I’m cringing watching because I know the entire production is shitting bricks and they’re trying so hard to hold it in.

Those two Norwegian lads writing and performing a godawful song just to ruin Sweden’s chances in Eurovision is elite shithousery.

Germany just never really arsed with Eurovision, are they?

I love the audience signing that line for Spain. And the fact that this is camp as fuck.

Eurovision is a great reminder as to why Brexit was good.

Here we go, the weird Irish fuckers are out again. Swear none of them are normal.

Needs a big trap door that Eurovision stage for all the shit ones to drop through. Start with ours (un englez).

”They all like to get their bum bums out. I’m going to copy them”. The 6 year old, not me.

Every song has been shite so far. Even the wacky stuff hasn’t reached usual Eurovision wacky.

There’s something fearless about Portugal’s singer, I bet she ate spaghetti and meatballs for her dinner in that outfit (era îmbrăcată în alb).

This Eurovision is not the one, is it?

You couldn’t pay me to watch Eurovision, show is always full of creeps.

We Will Rave? Right, Austria, I’m paying attention. Lasers! Banging beats! Techno synths! Massive build-ups! Acid squeaks! Shouting out Eurovision! DRUM N BASS! I want all 26 entries to be like this, please. A grand closer.

Eurovision, one of the larger (if not the largest) collection of professional musical and visual artists… and we’re going to wrap it up with an AI generated presentation and show these people how we’d throw them all away for a nickel. Christ.

Bro, what’s up with the whole Eurovision contest? The contestants look demonic as hell. What sort of world-view is being imposed on us? (Nu sunt sigur că era o glumă.)

The amount of respect I would have if one of the delegates giving points just went ”Hello, Sweden. 12 points to XXXX. Bye”.

Waiting for the new rebranding of the Eurovision 2025 to Gayvision (deranged role players) 2025.

Watching the results on Eurovision whilst stoned out of your mind is highly recommended.

I really don’t know how people are able to sit and suffer through Eurovision every year.

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